In the aftermath of a nuclear apocalypse, the world is a fractured shadow of its former self. The air carries the bitter tang of fallout, the land is scarred and barren, and survivors cling to life in a brutal and un...
In a realm teetering on the brink of darkness, a young blacksmith named Kael finds himself thrust into an ancient battle he never asked to join. When a mysterious, rune-etched sword chooses him as its wielder, Kael must abandon the ...
In a world where magic flows like veins beneath the earth, connecting ancient nexuses of unimaginable power, a reluctant young man is thrust into a destiny he never asked for. Ryx Alden thought his life would amount to little more t...
Deep within the fog-shrouded hills lies Corvino Manor, a sprawling estate whose very walls seem to breathe with secrets. For centuries, the Corvino family has borne a shadow, a force bound to their bloodline, powerful yet terrifying...
The Lantern of Winds is a spellbinding fantasy tale that weaves delicate poetry with a sense of timeless wonder. Set in the mystical land of Lyria, a world fractured by shadow and scars, the story follows Eira, a young girl chosen b...
In a world teetering on the brink of collapse, the Veil, a suffocating force of shadow and corruption, has plunged the land into despair. The once-vibrant kingdoms now lie in ruin, their people scattered and broken, while the very f...
Quando il sole tramonta su Los Angeles, il terrore e la paura si fa strada tra le vie illuminate dai neon. Un serial killer si aggira, rapendo giovani donne e trasformandole in perfette bambole. Le veste, le trucca e le abbandona, i...
Un anziano professore che rimane vedovo, una Londra con i suoi dieci milioni di abitanti che accresce il suo stato di solitudine e un cane. Un ritorno nell’amata Cambridge, dove ha trascorso gli anni più belli, ma ora, davanti a ...
In a world ravaged by a catastrophic outbreak, survival isn’t enough: the infected are evolving, their chaos transforming into terrifying coordination. When Mia and her group of survivors uncover fragments of the truth, they’re ...
In a world where magic flows like lifeblood through the earth, the Heart is both a blessing and a curse: an ancient, pulsing source of power capable of creation and destruction in equal measure. For centuries, it has slumbered, guar...
Are you tired of being fat?
Do you want to lose weight?
Do you want a book that provides you with a meal plan and recipes?
Then this book is for you!
You will find food from breakfast, lunch, dinner, and (of course) snacks, and ...
What if a trail of secrets could lead you to rediscover not only your loved ones, but also yourself?
When Sofia receives a mysterious diary after her aunt Viola’s passing, she doesn’t expect it to change her life. But hidden wi...
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