This book entirely devoted to the Pino Loricato (Pinus heldreichii or Pinus Leucodermis), wants to be a tribute to the secular arboreal species more ancient than we possess in Italy. Fruit of a total immersion in the wild beauty of the Pollino National Park during a misty day, the final result of the photos has given to the rugged expanses of high altitude decorated by the Pini Loricati a suggestive effect that border on the dreamlike experience. This sensory journey puts in prominence all the aspects deepest legacies to this secular species, become symbol of the greater National Park of Italy recognized Patrimony of the UNESCO. The photobook is constituted from over 100 photos, embellished by rich descriptions that space among the analysis of the characteristics of the species and its relationship with the territory, to the geochronological history tied up to the Park and its species endemic become symbol of the National Park, passing to the examine of the feelings sprung by the mind after the total immersion in this wild reality.
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