It is one of the oldest exercises practiced in Qigong. Translated as the eight pieces of brocade, it consists of eight exercises. These exercises can be practiced separately if necessary, but the complete practice of the whole set of exercises has the greatest effect on the body. This exercise is also known as "Tendon Stretching". The purpose of the exercise is to stretch the tendons, but generally known as the "Eight Sections of Brocade". Its other name is "One thousand eight hundred accumulations", where it means that it must be practiced one thousand eight hundred times. In this book we have proposed two types of explanations: the first is the relationship between the forms of the exercises and their effects, and the second is the relationship between the exercises and the eight additional meridians. The book contains text and illustrations, the steps and methods of breathing are clear at a glance, as well as the essence of the different movements, aspects to be observed during practice and are detailed special suggestions for wrong movements. It allows the reader to immediately master the techniques of the exercises, to clearly understand the ability to move and their effect. And don't forget, as long as you keep practicing, your body will tell you what you have gained.
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